by Duncan | May 5, 2021 | Adoption, Advocates, Captive, Cats, Dogs, Elephants, Health & Behavior, Legislation, Sanctuaries, Spay/Neuter
Barbara Trask Lovett—president of Save Nosey Now, member of the Board of Directors of The Elephant Advocacy Project, and generally a veteran advocate for improving the lives of captive elephants—recounts part of her background and how earlier efforts for Sea Shepherd...
by Duncan | Jul 25, 2018 | Advocates, Captive, Elephants, General
Barbara Trask Lovett—the president of Save Nosey Now! (SNN), an organization that helped a high-profile, long-suffering circus elephant (Nosey) win freedom from the neglectful, exploitative treatment of her owner…and seeks to educate the public about the plight of...
by Duncan | Mar 11, 2015 | Advocates, Captive, Cetaceans, Elephants, Factory Farming, Legislation, Vegetarian/Vegan, Wild
Don Anthony–Communications Director of the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF), which, since 1989, has been speaking and acting on behalf of animals in a multitude of ways—traces the history of the organization, including the impetus for its founding. He...