Don Anthony–Communications Director of the Animal Rights Foundation of Florida (ARFF), which, since 1989, has been speaking and acting on behalf of animals in a multitude of ways—traces the history of the organization, including the impetus for its founding. He discusses ARFF’s initial campaigns, and initial victories, including helping persuade the city of Hollywood, FL to pass its animal display ban in 1990. Anthony also describes, given the very
broad slate of campaigns and other efforts, how ARFF apportions its time and resources amongst those campaigns, affirming my suggestion that it’s not unlike a triage scenario. Given that the organization has been particularly active in protesting circuses that use animals, seeking to educate the public
about the cruelty routinely visited on elephants and other animals forced to perform under the big top, we devote a considerable slice of time to Ringling Bros’ announcement (made only the week before) that its three touring circuses would phase out elephant acts by 2018. That discussion wonders about Ringling’s rationale, including whether the current crop of elephants might be sold to other circuses or zoos, and notes that Feld Entertainment (the corporate entity that operates the Ringling Bros circus, among several other touring shows and enterprises) has made no commitment to removing any of the other animals that perform in the circus. Anthony also touches on single-elephant attractions by way of recounting—and updating–the story of Nosey, a well-known solo elephant in Florida. (
ALSO: We remembered Curtis, a female cat and significant member of the McGarr-Strauss family for some 15 years, who had to be euthanized—quite unexpectedly—mere days before this broadcast. We note that everything about her was special, starting with the way she entered our lives, as a feral kitten she wandered into our garage in Costa Mesa, CA. We took her to our veterinarian, who fixed Curtis and treated her, but warned us there was no chance of domesticating her, as a feral cat (note her tipped ear). We delighted in proving that vet wrong, and Curtis became a pivotal–and magical–member of the family, enjoying a happy and long life. Just not long enough…
COMEDY CORNER: Bob & Ray’s “Elephant Protest” (
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds”
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