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Talking Animals
with Duncan Strauss
Hosted by Duncan Strauss, “Talking Animals” airs every Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET, on WMNF (88.5 FM), a 70,000-watt, community-oriented NPR affiliate in Tampa, Florida.
Recent Shows
Justin Barker, anti-captivity activist, author
By Duncan | 3 min read
Justin Barker--an anti-captivity activist with a compelling narrative, starting with launching his first organization, Citizens Lobbying for...
Hershey and Trace–Federally-certified mold detection dogs
Hershey and Trace--federally-certified mold detection dogs (chocolate lab & black lab, respectively), these rescue dogs have been specially...
libby | Aug 15, 2005 | 1 min read
Captain Paul Watson–legendary figure in the animal world
Captain Paul Watson, a veteran activist and truly legendary figure in the animal world--he was a co-founder of Greenpeace, and went on to found...
libby | Aug 8, 2005 | 1 min read
Pattrice Jones–co-founder of the Eastern Shore Sanctuary And Education Center
Pattrice Jones, co-founder of the Eastern Shore Sanctuary And Education Center--a Maryland sanctuary primarily for chickens (but also for ducks),...
libby | Aug 1, 2005 | 1 min read
Kristal Parks–a Denver-based veteran activist and elephant advocate
Kristal Parks, a Denver-based veteran activist and elephant advocate--who last year mounted a 12-day hunger strike in Denver while the Ringling...
libby | Jul 25, 2005 | 1 min read
Dr. Kim Haddad–Veterinarian and manager of The Captive Wild Animal Protection Coalition
Dr. Kim Haddad, a veterinarian and manager of The Captive Wild Animal Protection Coalition--a group of zoo professionals, sanctuary operators and...
libby | Jul 24, 2005 | 1 min read
Marcia Martin–ordained minister, artist, sculptor and author
Marcia Martin, an ordained minister, artist, sculptor--and author of "Bandy: The True Tale Of A Courageous Cape Cod Canada Goose"--discusses the...
libby | Jul 18, 2005 | 1 min read
Peggy Hoyt–Pet estate planning
Peggy Hoyt, a Florida-based attorney with an MBA whose law firm, Hoyt & Bryan, specializes in estate planning, including pet estate...
libby | Jul 11, 2005 | 1 min read
John Hoyt–President emeritus of the Humane Society Of The United States
John Hoyt, the president emeritus of the Humane Society Of The United States--he was president and/or CEO of the organization from 1970 to...
libby | Jun 27, 2005 | 1 min read
Karen Johnson–Creator of Clarinetherapy
Karen Johnson, who created Clarinetherapy--in which she takes her clarinet and her greyhounds to convalescent homes and other facilities, and the...
libby | Jun 13, 2005 | 1 min read