Liz Marshall—a documentary director whose latest film, “Meat The Future,” examines the realm of “cultivated meat,” generated in a lab setting, from animal cells, but these animals remain unharmed—explains the criteria she considers when deciding what topic or...
Kitty Block—President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), as well as CEO of Humane Society International, HSUS’ global division—discusses getting a precocious start working in animal welfare, in that her Mom was an animal activist. Block...
Anita Krajnc—the global campaign coordinator of the Plant Based Treaty, which views itself as a companion to the Paris Agreement, described, on the Treaty website, as “a grassroots campaign designed to put food systems at the forefront of combating the climate...
Dr. Dani McVety—the veterinarian, and Tampa native, who co-founded Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice in 2009—recounts the circumstances behind launching what has since become the nation’s largest network dedicated to end of life veterinary care, operating in 36...
Kim Sturla—executive director of Animal Place, the 600-acre farmed animal sanctuary in Grass Valley, California she co-founded in 1989—recounts that she had been employed by a local humane society for some time before launching Animal Place, having already spent a...
Marc Bekoff —professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder—discusses, in a conversation that traveled from his very latest work backwards, his current research, which involves the way various animals play, and the...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the third program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida, and likely the way the broadcast...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the first program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida. Jane Velez-Mitchell— the New...
Logan Vindett—executive director of Kindred Spirits Sanctuary, a Citra, FL facility that provides safe, permanent refuge to disabled, abused, abandoned, and neglected farm animals—recounts growing up with a powerful love of animals, with some in her family thinking...
Ingrid Newkirk—the co-founder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and co-author (with Gene Stone) of “animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries about Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion”—recalls how she decided on...
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