Mark Devries--the documentary filmmaker who specializes in exploring the realm of animals and animal welfare—expands on the final line (the fate of our kin is up to us) of his new film, “Humans and Other Animals." Laying out an eloquent and philosophical operating...
Temple Grandin--sometimes referred to as the world’s most famous autistic person, amidst several ways to describe her, including expert on animal behavior, prolific author, longtime professor of animal science at Colorado State University, fervent activist for...
Alene Anello--founder and president of Legal Impact for Chickens (LIC), a nonprofit dedicated to bringing lawsuits that benefit chickens—recalls growing up in a family with plenty of animals, mostly dogs. However, when at age 11, she asked for her very own animal,...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the third program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida, and likely the way the broadcast...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the first program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida. Jane Velez-Mitchell— the New...
Ronnie Lee—the veteran British animal rights activist, who in 1976, founded the Animal Liberation Front (ALF)—muses about how to reconcile a lad whose childhood, in its basic contours, resembled many people’s childhood, yet he went on to become a firebrand...
Paul Solotaroff—Rolling Stone contributing editor who wrote a wide-ranging, high-profile exposé about the netherworld of puppy mills in the then-new issue of the magazine—discusses how he came to write the piece, sort of goaded into it by Humane Society of The...
Anita Krajnc—the animal rights activist who co-founded Toronto Pig Save (spawning The Save Movement)—discusses her arrest for giving water to a truckload of thirsty pigs on a sweltering day last summer, as the truck was pulling into a Burlington slaughterhouse....
Nathan Runkle—founder and president of Mercy For Animals—recounts the horrific incident (a fellow high school student that Runkle said slammed a baby piglet on a concrete floor during class) that prompted him to create the organization in 1999. He discusses Mercy...
Kip Andersen & Keegan Kuhn—filmmakers behind the documentary “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” which examines how the animal agriculture industry dwarfs all other causes of global climate change (and other ills), and how the most prominent environmental...
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