by Duncan | Jun 14, 2023 | Advocates, Authors, Educators, Health & Behavior, Rescue, Sanctuaries, Vegetarian/Vegan
pattrice jones–co-founder of VINE Sanctuary, sprawling across 100 acres in Springfield, Vermont, and a self-described “LGBTQ-led farmed animal sanctuary”—spontaneously describes instances of talking animals’ activity by resident roosters that very morning. jones...
by Duncan | Jun 9, 2021 | Advocates, Authors, Cetaceans, Educators, Health & Behavior, Sanctuaries, Vegetarian/Vegan
pattrice jones —cofounder of VINE (Veganism is the Next Evolution) Sanctuary, 100-acre facility in Vermont, a self-described “LGBTQ-led farmed animal sanctuary” we wanted to spotlight as we celebrate Pride Month—outlines VINE’s history and evolution, including its...
by libby | Aug 1, 2005 | Sanctuaries
Pattrice Jones, co-founder of the Eastern Shore Sanctuary And Education Center–a Maryland sanctuary primarily for chickens (but also for ducks), and the only such sanctuary to rehabilitate former fighting cocks; she’s also an ecofeminist activist, writer,...