Sam Anderson—a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, whose latest piece (the cover story) is “The Last Two Northern White Rhinos On Earth,” an account of the week Anderson spent in Kenya with the only two Northern white rhinos still alive: Najin, and her...
This morning, I once again set aside the customary “Talking Animals” format to deliver the Annual Christmas Animal Song special—that is, a show entirely devoted to Holiday-oriented animal tunes.As has been required in the previous years of this special, and as I...
Sharon Stiteler—who’s so steeped in the birding world, as a blogger, photographer, author of “1001 Secrets Every BirderShould Know,” and more, that she’s also known as “Birdchick”—recalls when the birding bug first bit, when she was seven, and snagged a field guide...
Jeffrey Masson—the New York Times bestselling author of books about animals and their emotions, including “When Elephants Weep” and “Dogs Never Lie About Love”—explains how being on the cusp of turning 80, and contemplating his own mortality, formed the chief...
Dr. Neal Barnard—founder and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine, among other notable hats he wears—recalls growing up not particularly...
Helen Macdonald—the naturalist, poet, and author best known for her acclaimed and award-winning memoir, “H Is For Hawk”; she’s published a new book, “Vesper Flights”—expands on a point she makes in the introduction of the new book about love being the subject that...
Kathleen Edwards—the Canadian singer-songwriter who recently released the critically-acclaimed “Total Freedom,” her first album in eight years—discusses writing the new song, “Who Rescued Who,” and the dog it’s an elegy for: Redd. This story includes recognizing...
Marc Bekoff —professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder—discusses, in a conversation that traveled from his very latest work backwards, his current research, which involves the way various animals play, and the...
Brian Hare —a professor in Evolutionary Anthropology, Psychology, and Neuroscience at Duke University, where he founded the Duke Canine Cognition Center, and co-author (with Vanessa Woods) of “Survival of the Friendliest: Understanding Our Origins and Rediscovering...
Wendy Clark —the publisher of Bird Watcher’s Digest, which is the name of the 42-year-old flagship magazine, but now really also refers to the multi-media enterprise that includes bird identification guides, publications, podcasts, and events—recounts the history...
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