Heidi Jo Markel—longtime film producer and founder of Stop Poaching Now! (SPN), an organization dedicated to combating poaching through conservation strategies and educational efforts—recounts her foray into producing movies, starting by trying her hand at acting...
William Neal —writer-director of “Long Gone Wild,” a documentary that focuses on captive orcas, arriving as a cinematic successor to “Blackfish”—provides an overview of his pre-doc career, a mix of all sort of television work, writing books, and, early on, coaching...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the sixth program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida, and likely the way the...
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, this was the second show I broadcast remotely from home, with in-studio help from my friend/WMNF music director Lee “Flee” Courtney, featuring live and recorded elements… Susan Fleming—a...
Mark Emery—one of the cinematographers, and the narrator, on the new documentary “Wild Florida,” part of the PBS series, “Nature”—addresses the early part of his career as a wildlife filmmaker, and how he may have been singularly equipped for it, growing up in...
Tom Mustill—a British director who makes nature and wildlife movies; his latest film is “The Whale Detective” (the impetus: Mustill and a friend were kayaking in Monterey Bay when a humpback whale breached, and just missed landing on them)—recounts when his...
Peter Jay Brown—filmmaker and crew member of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for upwards of 40 years, whose new documentary is “Eco-Terrorist: The Battle For Our Planet”—recounts the beginning of the affiliation, being sent to cover Sea Shepherd and its...
Jasmine Leyva—a filmmaker and actress, who directed, and appears in, “The Invisible Vegan,” a new documentary that explores various cultural challenges and implications within the black community when some decide to go vegan, or contemplate doing so—recalls her...
Chris Poole—a Tampa resident best known, as he describes it, being owned by feline phenoms Cole and Marmalade—remembers growing up in Nottingham, England and his family having an array of pets, including his first black cat, Sarah. Poole recalls landing an...
Cathryn Michon & W. Bruce Cameron—screenwriters of the movie, “A Dog’s Way Home,” based on Cameron’s novel, and which had opened nationwide less than a week before this conversation—discuss the enthusiastic reception accorded the film: high audience ratings,...
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