by Duncan | Nov 23, 2022 | Adoption, Advocates, Cats, Educators, Health & Behavior, Legislation, Mammals
Emily McCormack—the Animal Curator at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge (TCWR), a sanctuary in Eureka Springs, Arkansas housing 94 animals (mostly big cats, plus bears)—recalls being infatuated with tigers since childhood, telling her parents at age 10 or 12 that she...
by Duncan | Apr 22, 2020 | Advocates, Captive Exotic, Cats, Dogs, Educators, General, Mammals, Rescue, Sanctuaries, Wildlife
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Stay at Home order, I produced and recorded this show remotely from home, the second program prepared this way at the Talking Animals corporate headquarters in Jupiter Farms, Florida, and likely the way the broadcast...