As we’ve done seven times prior—spanning about two years–today’s program involved setting aside the usual “Talking Animals” format in order to present the show-length feature, “Ask The Trainer.” Listeners are invited to call or email questions about their dogs or cats, particularly involving behavioral issues or training concerns. The Trainer these listeners have an opportunity to consult is Glen Hatchell, the Behavior and Enrichment Manager at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, who’s also an accomplished dog trainer and behavior expert, having obtained the
Certified Professional Dog Trainer certification in 2014. He is also a former WMNF programmer. In today’s edition, before taking a listener question, Glen spoke about the idea of giving an animal the choice to do what we want, or not. He explained how this freedom in decision-making cultivates resilience and confidence in the animal for responding to novel situations when they arise. Glen then followed up this notion by weaving facets of it into some of his replies to listener questions. Which included Jimmy from St. Petersburg, with a two-fer, inquiring if it’s easier for dogs to understand a one-syllable name, and asking for an overview on how to approach potty training. An emailer sought “suggestions for getting a dog to come back when highly stimulated? Such as hiking, dog park.” Glen outlined the gradual process for instructing “recall,” starting with getting the dog to come back while still inside the home, then gradually expanding the area from there. Another caller, mentioning she had recently rescued a “little dog, part Yorkie, part Chihuahua,” announced her dog does not like other dogs or men—and asked Glen’s help with both issues. The final call dealt with a four-year-old female Lab, who loves to swim, but is reluctant to go in the pool—gets on the first step, but won’t advance any further. Of course, Glen has ideas….(,,
COMEDY CORNER: There was no Comedy Corner today.
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: We didn’t play “Name That Animal Tune” today.
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