Dr. Temple Grandin–who truly wears multiple hats: fervent activist for autistic people, longtime professor of animal science at Colorado State University, expert on animal behavior, prolific author, tireless lecturer—discusses her forthcoming book, “The Grandin Papers.” Grandin explains that this new book collects some of her most important the
scientific papers she’s written–with an emphasis on her livestock facility design and the development of animal welfare auditing programs over the course of her career—presented in chronological order. Grandin has noted elsewhere that she selected the papers that would most likely be of interest to the general public, policymakers, and people interested in farm animal welfare and behavior. She says “The Grandin Papers” reflects how her thinking has evolved over a 50-year career. She responds to a then-just published piece in The Toronto Globe & Mail (also in
Reuters, maybe elsewhere, too) reporting that a Canadian dairy farmer is among the first in the world to breed soon-to-be-born calves that will have reduced environmental impact—because these calves will burp less methane. She warns that breeding for a single factor can yield unfortunate by-products, citing as an example bulldogs’ breathing problems. Grandin
maintains a back-breaking schedule of criss-crossing the country delivering lectures and making conference appearances, so it’s hardly a surprise when she mentions that one of her favorite discussion topics lately is the recent spate of flight delays. In some ways, her multi-faceted, 50-year career—particularly the elements involving livestock facility design, animal science, and animal behavior—can be traced back to that summer she spent on that Arizona ranch as a teenager. Clearly, a profoundly formative experience. Grandin’s speculation on how her life and career would have differed if she hadn’t had spent that summer on that ranch is fascinating. (https://www.templegrandin.com/, https://www.grandin.com/, https://www.facebook.com/drtemplegrandin/)
ALSO: I spoke briefly with Kim Archer, a certified trainer at Courteous Canine, a dog training operation in Lutz, which on Saturday, is offering a Pet CPR and First Aid Certification class. Archer discusses Courteous Canine’s impetus for offering the class, some of the topics covered, including safety techniques when working with sick and/or injured animals, how to provide emergency first aid to dogs and cats en route to veterinary care, and learning about the importance of the pet first aid kit and how to use the materials in it during an emergency, as well as the instruction of Pet CPR itself. (https://www.courteouscanine.com/, https://www.facebook.com/WeLoveDogsCCinc/, https://www.instagram.com/courteouscanineinc/)
COMEDY CORNER: Roman Danylo’s “Animals 1” (https://www.romandanylo.com/)
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: We didn’t play “Name That Animal Tune” today.
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