Amy Shever— founder and executive director of 2nd Chance 4 Pets, which encourages (and helps) pet owners to make plans for their animals’ ongoing care, recognizing that if something happens, in the absence of such plans, those pets can end up in a shelter (or worse)—recounts how her passion for volunteering at animal shelters began. This was decades ago, she explains, when shelters operated quite differently, and the one she volunteered at was high-kill, which meant, among other things that when animals arrived there—as a result of their owners’ death or incapacitation, sans any instructions for their care—they’d typically be euthanized. Shever traces those grim shelter experiences and the cataclysmic losses experienced in 9/11–how 800 of those who died were said to be pet owners–as the central catalyst for forming 2ndChance 4 Pets in 2003. She discusses the ways that the organization seeks to raise awareness about the importance of pet owners articulating their wishes for long-term care of their animals, and provides literature, including estate planning forms to help these owners do so. Shever and her 2ndChance 4 Pets colleagues—everyone is a volunteer—also offer information and guidance in other forms, including presenting workshops at veterinarian symposiums and animal welfare conferences. They also deliver webinars, including one slated for Aug. 28 at 12pm ET, “Lifetime Care for Pets: Planning for the Possibility that Pets Might Outlive Their Human Companions,’ part of Best Friends Animal Society’s webinar program. In outlining these 2ndChance 4 Pets offerings, Shever notes that the more detailed, written instructions that pet owners can supply for the care of their animals, the better—while also noting that anywritten directive is better than none, and helps increase the odds that those pets will be well looked after, as opposed to inevitably meeting a dark fate. The website offers a wealth of information, including literature and forms that can be downloaded. Shever adds that anyone who can’t find the resources they’re seeking on the website or otherwise has questions, can email [email protected] (,
ALSO: I spoke with Susan Hartzler, campaign manager for Seven The Dog, who’s running for President of the United States. A member of The Puppy Party, Seven’s platform includes his strong belief that every dog should have a home and every dog should have a bone. We discuss with Hartzler a piece in The Los Angeles Times that served as a round-up of the numerous folks—mostly long shots, I think it’s fair to say—who have filed papers to run for President, very much including Seven and his quixotic candidacy. (,
COMEDY CORNER: Donnell Rawlings’ “Wild Whale” (portion) (
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Pink Floyd’s “Dogs”
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