Mark Reinfeld—the award-winning vegan chef and author of numerous books, including “The 30-Minute Vegan” series and, most recently, “Healing The Vegan Way: Plant-Based Eating for Optimal Health and Wellness”—discusses the first portion of the new book, which features Reinfeld’s writing, as well as essays and testimonials from an assemblage of cardiologists and other doctors, nutritionists and various medical professionals, noting that many of our health problems (including diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) can be traced to the highly-processed food, and the Standard American Diet, that many of us eat each day. That part of the book involves Reinfeld and his contributors detailing how those illnesses can be combated—and, in some cases, reversed—by so-called superfoods, and weighing in on virtues of whole-food vegan diets. Reinfeld notes that these ideas, cautions and entreaties overlap and underscore those presented in a number of books (by Campbell, Esselstyn, Ornish, et al) and such films as “Forks Over Knives,” “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” and “Vegucated.” He responds to an anecdote I tell, illustrating the way people can react
disagreeably to vegan food simply because it’s “vegan food.” He observes the advances made in vegan food and ingredients over the years, citing, for example, vegan cheese. We touch on some of the 200 recipes found in the second part of “Healing The Vegan Way,” mentioning that many are presented in “template” form, so that there are multiple variations possible, potentially yielding several dishes per recipe. Reinfeld reviews the components of his beloved Monk Bowl, some of the undertakings of his Vegan Fusion Culinary Academy in Miami, and more. (
ALSO: I spoke briefly with Claire Wray, from Friends of Strays, about their history and mission, and about their forthcoming Soiree, “A Night In The Roarrring 20’s,” their biggest fundraising event of the year, important for underwriting their efforts to place homeless cats and dogs, and the various programs they offer. We also discuss their Pet Food Pantry program, which helps low-income families keep their animals fed, and avoid feeling compelled to surrender those pets to shelters. (
COMEDY CORNER: Steve Martin’s “Cat Handcuffs” (
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Al Hirt & others’ “The Green Hornet Theme”
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