pattrice jones — cofounder of VINE (Veganism Is the Next Evolution) Sanctuary, a 100-acre facility in Vermont that describes itself as an “LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that has worked to build bridges between the animal advocacy and LGBTQ liberation movements”—discusses the impetus for launching in 2000, with cofounder Miriam Jones, what was then Eastern Shore Sanctuary, initially located in Maryland. jones traces the evolution of the refuge, accenting the particularly notable entry on the timeline of their relocating to Vermont in 2009. She also addresses how,
and why, the Sanctuary—started by pattrice & Miriam, two lesbians—didn’t make much mention of this fact in the early years, and gradually began highlighting more and more its identity as LGBTQ operated. A scholar, writer, activist and educator, Jones outlines her own history, which includes living on a military base as a young child, with the family home serving as an informal dog sanctuary, and her oft-told story about her decision in 1976, when she was 14 turning 15, to quit eating meat and to attend her first gay rights rally. This provided a jumping off point for one of the philosophical
tenets—“Desire drives everything”—often found in her talks and writings (and, she mentions, the first words in the chapter she contributed to “Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth,” an anthology edited by Carol J. Adams & Lori Gruen). In a portion of the conversation devoted to various forms of oppression—including the links between sexism, racism, anti-LGBTQ-bias and speciesism–jones focuses on elucidating ableism. (Too, she notes her new book, “The Oxen at
the Intersection: A Collison,” an exploration of the Green Mountain College decision to kill their longtime oxen mascots, Bill and Lou and its aftermath, delves extensively into the intersection of many of these isms, and more.) The final portion of the conversation places the Donald Trump mania, particularly his racism and sexism, in some sort of context amidst the wider discussion of oppression, desire and more. (
ALSO: I spoke briefly with Lisa Wathne, captive wildlife manager with the Humane Society of the United States, about the complaint the United States Department of Agriculture has filed against Dade City’s Wild Things for numerous violations of the Animal Welfare Act. (
COMEDY CORNER: Tom Papa’s “Diabetic Cat” (
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Elvis Costello’s “Monkey To Man” (Happy Birthday, Elvis!)
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