Mark Feldstein— author of “Last Stop Before Rainbow Bridge: True Animal Rescue Stories,” a compendium of tales about a wide array of animals that have been rescued at facilities across the country—discusses how the book was inspired by his stepfather, the late Al Feldstein. Al was a key editor and leading creative force at MAD Magazine from 1956-1985, who after his retirement from the pioneering publication, operated a 270-acre animal rescue ranch in Montana for more than two
decades. Mark Feldstein recounts how, following his most recent visit to his dad’s place, Deer Haven Ranch, he felt compelled to do what he could to advance the cause of animal rescue, navigating around the time constraints of a very demanding day job and raising a family. Still, he explains, he began contacting rescue facilities, they responded with tidbits and anecdotes, which Feldstein fashioned into the stories that appear in “Last Stop Before Rainbow Bridge.” Feldstein describes the story that affected him the most profoundly (the horse who became the friend and confidante of sorts for a sexually abused girl who otherwise wasn’t talking with anyone), outlines how proceeds from the sale of the “Last Stop Before Rainbow Bridge” are earmarked to be donated to the rescues that participated in the book, and notes that work is already underway on a follow-up book. (
ALSO: We spoke briefly with Jackie Beiro, of Saving Shelter Dogs, Inc., about the “Empty The Shelter” event that was to be held the following weekend at what used to be called the Hillsborough County Animal Services—the adoption fees were to be waived, so as to galvanize massive end-of-the-year adoptions.
COMEDY CORNER: Jeremy Hotz’s “Bronx Zoo” (
MUSIC: Rebekah Pulley’s “Talking Animals Theme,” The Sun Society’s version of “Octopus’s Garden,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: The Chipmunk’s version of “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”
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