Jack Murphy, co-founder and director of Urban Wildlife Rescue, Inc.

by | Mar 6, 2013

Jack Murphy–co-founder and director of Urban Wildlife  Rescue, Inc., a Colorado-based non-profit organization that specializes in resolving wildlife conflicts
using innovative methods of eviction and exclusion without having to trap, kill or harm any animal in any way–explains more
specifically what “urban wildlife rescue” means, and how he and his wife ventured into this line of work from being wildlife rehabbers.

022513 Jack Murphy 066e (2)He also discusses Wildlife Control Operators (WCOs), starting with the euphemistic term for the folks who make a living ridding “nuisance DuncanRaccoon wildlife” from homes and businesses, employing trapping, relocating and killing–sometimes, Murphy noted, charging the client for the removal, then selling that animal’s pelt to make money twice on that animal; this industry is not regulated. Murphy also described how, when it comes to wildlife rescue, “humane trap” is a grim misnomer. He also responded to a hypothetical scenario in which a raccoon turns up at my house and starts hanging around, outlining the steps that should be taken to humanely deal with that situation. Murphy also answered a number of listener questions.  (www.UrbanWildlifeRescue.orgwww.Facebook.com/Urban-Wildlife-Rescue)

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ALSO: We spoke briefly with Julie Watkins of The Girls Gone Green about the No Meat March effort she launched a few years back in Jacksonville and has expanded to Tampa–in conjunction with Florida Voices For Animals–including a host of tips, discounts and events, including a forthcoming screening of the acclaimed documentary, “Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home.” (www.TheGirlsGoneGreen.comwww.NoMeatMarch.comwww.FloridaVoicesForAnimals.org)

COMEDY CORNER: Demetri Martin’s “Dalmatians” (http://www.DemetriMartin.com)

MUSIC: Pete Seeger’s “Raccoon’s Got A Bushy Tail,” Lou Reed’s “Animal Language,” (happy  birthday, Lou!) instrumentals 

NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE:  Led Zeppelin’s “Black Dog”

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