Dr. Jocelyn Bezner–veterinarian at Save The Chimps, based in Fort Pierce, Fl, and the world’s largest sanctuary for rescued chimpanzees–discusses her years working at the sanctuary, alongside late Save The Chimps (STC) founder Dr. Carole Noon, who died in 2009. (We interviewed Dr. Noon on the show Sept. 3, 2008.)
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She also reviews some significant STC milestones in 2011, particularly that the week of this interview with Dr. Bezner marked the arrival at STC of the final 10 chimpanzees being relocated from the former research lab in New Mexico. Dr. Bezner went on to explain this relocation effort–dubbed “The Great Chimpanzee Migration”–began nearly a decade ago with upwards of 300 chimps, and is a complicated process because of the time and expense required to socialize the chimps into family groups so they can live harmoniously together at the sanctuary. In a poetic moment, she describes the scene when chimps who’ve previously only known cages & cement–indoors–are initially released outside, experiencing for the first time fresh air and grass on their feet…and the freedom to make choices. (www.SaveTheChimps.org)
ALSO: Sharon Roberts, of All About Paws rescue, talks about Ginnie, a pit bull that had escaped the dog fighting world, but not without sustaining some significant injuries from both dogs & humans–making her somewhat special needs & seeking a forever home. (http://www.adoptapet.com/adoption_rescue/82722.html, http://www.facebook.com/pages/All-About-Paws-Rescue/197080967005534)
COMEDY CORNER: Roman Danylo’s “Animals” (www.RomanDanylo.com)
MUSIC:Jeff Beck’s version of “Tiger Rag,” My Morning Jacket’s “Cobra,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE:David Bowie’s “Diamond Dogs”