Donald Tardy–drummer of pioneering death metal band Obituary, and a longtime, devoted rescuer and caretaker of feral cats in the Tampa area and his girlfriend, Heather Wienker, who together head up the Metal Meowlisha discuss how they began rescuing feral cats.
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They also explain how, after helping their first stray and deciding they wanted to continue this work, sought training from the Animal Coalition of Tampa (ACT). Donald and Heather went on to describe aspects of a typical day feeding the 130+ cats they care for, and how spotting a new cat at the colonies, whether it’s a kitten or an abandoned older cat, alters the routine. On a related note, they detailed what TNR means–Trap, Neuter and Return–how that process works and integral it is to looking after feral cats. The couple also respond to several listener calls and e-mails, including some holding a decidedly anti-feral cat viewpoint. (
COMEDY CORNER: Brian Malow’s “Feline Existentialism” (
MUSIC: The Dirt Daubers’ “She And Us Pets,” Chuck Berry’s “Too Much Monkey Business,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE:Rolling Stones’ “Wild Horses”