Captain Paul Watson, a veteran activist and truly legendary figure in the animal world–he was a co-founder of Greenpeace, and went on to found the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society; in 2000, Time magazine named him one of the environmental heroes of the 20th Century–discusses how his animal activism began when he was 9, some of the many causes and campaigns he’s worked on or led in the ensuing years, explains why the commercial seal slaughter in his native Canada remains the issue he’s most passionate about (and addresses the related boycott of Canadian seafood–very much including that offered at Red Lobster restaurants), recounts some of his more notable or nutty experiences globally, and more. []
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COMEDY CORNER: Brian Regan’s “Fishing On TV” []
MUSIC: Erin McKeown’s “Blackbirds,” Magnetic Fields’ “Zebra,” instrumentals
NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: Michael Jackson’s “Rockin’ Robin”