Dr. Nancy Bell & Dr. Kenneth Shapiro, Experts in AniCare

by | Dec 5, 2012

Dr. Kenneth Shapiro–cofounder and executive director of the Animals and Society Institute and director of the Institute’s AniCare program (a psychological assessment and treatment approach for juveniles and adults who abuse animals), and Dr. Nancy Bell, a psychologist, teacher and writer who has trained mental health professionals in the AniCare approach–discuss the Institute’s history and mission. kenstraightThey also provide an overview of AniCare, including how its influence and implementation have widened out over the years–now, 30 states recommend or require counseling for persons convicted of animal cruelty, often opting for AniCare in those cases. Drs. Bell and Shapiro also describe the traits and recurring factors in those who abuse animals, and outline the treatment provided under the AniCare approach, including the exercises that clinicians. (Dr. Bell, along with another colleague, Dr. Gupta, was to provide a daylong training session in AniCare in Tampa, two days after this “Talking Animals” program.) They also addressed the extent to which compassion and empathy can be taught to children and adults who have abused animals and for whom those qualities are lacking. (www.animalsandsociety.org/main/, www.facebook.com/AnimalsandSocietyInstitute)

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nmanicare-logoCOMEDY CORNER: Y94 Fargo–Zero, Rat & Maggie’s “Donna The Caller” (www.y94.com)

MUSIC: JD McPherson’s “Fire Bug,” New York Dolls’ “Dance Like A Monkey,” instrumentals

NAME THAT ANIMAL TUNE: The Bright Light Social Hour’s “La Piedra De La Iguana”

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